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About Me

My name is Bob Demaria and most of my professional life has been involved with sales. After 50 years I have realized that….


I simply guide people through choice by offering advice and guidance. I understand that the most basic need for all people is to be heard and understood. Which is why people trust me so much.

Are You Ready to Excel Your Possibilities?

My name is Bob DeMaria. I was born in 1952 in Rochester N.Y and spent nearly my entire life there. I grew up in a middle class family with my parents and a sister and brother. I am the middle child. My wife and I have been married for more than 50 years. We have three children and three grandchildren. Most of my adult life has been in sales from products to services, wholesale to retail. My life experiences have allowed me to become a student of human nature. If someone were to ask me how I would describe my fundamental personality type I would have to say that I am a problem solver.  That is what I enjoy most about sales. My perspective is that you need to know where you are now and then where you want to be . Then I get to use my talents to help you find a way to get there in the best way possible. One of my doctors once told me I was a numbers guy. I had never really thought about that before but she was right, I am. I have a tendency to reduce situations to a mathematical formula that then needs to be solved. Logic is my basis. Emotions, not so much. Within a sales environment this normally works. Not always but usually.  Looking backwards from the end goal toward the starting point, in most things, seems to work best when problem solving. The variables are reduced in that direction and the path is clearer. 

That is why I have had a very successful career in sales. Listening to a client to discover what you would like to acquire that’s within your means and will do what you expect it to do is first. Armed with that information I will use what I know to match you up with the right product that clicks the correct boxes. It’s a simple process. Ask,listen and fulfill.